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Searching & Filtering Blacklist Records

1. To search a blacklist record, you have to be first on your inspector account.

2. Press on the Blacklist tab ( ) from the left side of the page.

3. Then start typing below the name columns in the list in order to filter the list based on your criteria.



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Viewing/Sending Blacklist Record Information

1. To view a blacklist record, you have to be first on your inspector account.

2. Press on the Blacklist tab ( ) from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the Mail button ( ) on the right of the wanted blacklist record.

4. Here you can modify the predefined message of the mail, enter the email of the recipient (the one who receives the mail) and press the Send & exit button in order to send the mail.



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Page/Full Blacklist Export

1. To use the export feature, you have to be first on your inspector account.

2. Press on the Blacklist tab ( ) from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the Page export button or Full export button from the left side of the page above the name columns.

3.1. Page export means exporting only the current visible list in the page.

3.2. Full export means exporting all the data from the location that the Inspector is assigned to.



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Viewing/Deleting a Blacklist Notification

1. To view a blacklist notification, you have to be first on your inspector account.

2. Press on the Notification icon ( ) from the top right corner of the page in order to see all notifications.

3. Then press on the View button ( ) on the right of the wanted notification or Remove button ( ) if you want to remove the notification from the list.

4. Here you can see if someone/something has been blacklisted or if the blacklist has been lifted and you can also click the Blacklist button (only if the blacklist is still active) in order to see all blacklist records.



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