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Sorting all People

1. To sort the people, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on the upper/lower arrow on the right of any of the name columns in order to sort the list.



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Searching & Filtering People

1. To search a person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then start typing below the name columns in the list in order to filter the list based on your criteria.



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Checking Out a Person

1. To checkout a person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on the Checkout button ( ) on the right of the wanted person.

5. Once pressed, you can update the information that was initially entered and then save by pressing on the Update button.

6. After updating the information, the checkout button will disappear, but the value will be able to be modified in the edit section.



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Editing a Person

1. To edit a person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on the Edit button ( ) on the right of the wanted person.

5. Here you can modify the wanted fields. After modifying the fields, press on the Update button in order for the changes to take effect.



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Viewing a Person

1. To view a person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on the View button ( ) on the right of the wanted person.

5. Here you will see the information only from that selected person. From here, you can either go back to the list by pressing the Back button or go to the edit section by pressing the Edit button.



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Adding Special Status to a Person

1. To add a special status to a person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on the VIP button ( – off, – on ), Greylist button ( – off, – on ) or Blacklist button ( – off, – on ) on the right of the wanted person. A person can be either VIP/Greylist or VIP/Blacklist, but cannot be Blacklist/Greylist.

4.1. Pressing the Blacklist button ( ) will also bring out a pop-up in which you will be able to write your own Observations, set the Suspension period: Unlimited or Limited, which show days based on the numbers that where added by the admin in the advanced section of settings and in order to save everything you must press the Save & exit button.

5. The person with a special status will be displayed in the tabs corresponding to each special status. The tabs can be accessed by pressing on the VIP, Greylist or Blacklist tabs from the left of the page.

6. There you will see a list with all the people who have a special status. Those people can be stripped of their status by clicking on the Remove button ( ) on the right of the selected person. The same thing can be done in the main person list by clicking again on their selected status.



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Importing Records of People from a Form

1. To use the import feature, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the List tab ( ) from below in order to see all people.

4. Then press on either Import data button, if you have already filled an empty form with people or Download form button in order to fill it with people and then importing it with the import feature. Both buttons are located on the left side of the page above the name columns.



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Adding a New Person

1. To add a new person, you have to be first on your operator account.

2. Press on the Persons tab () from the left side of the page.

3. Then press on the Add tab ( ) from below in order to add a new person.

4. Here you will have to fill in the required fields in order to add a person.

5. After filling/selecting the fields, you can either press on the:

  • Back button – this will return you to the list of persons.
  • Save & exit button – this will create a record based on the completed form and return you to the list of persons.
  • Save & new button – this will create a record based on the completed form and show a new form to create a new person.

6. After saving the new person, a notification will appear with the message “Requires permission” only if the resident visited has a resident user active, and in order to save the new person in the list, a resident user, that belongs to the resident that the newly created person visited, must allow access and then you will have to go to the Guests tab from left side of the page and then press on the Check-in button ( ) on the right of the wanted guest that was put on hold.



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